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Author Topic: LAT Sun. 11/22 Ken Bessette THE BEST  (Read 13049 times)


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LAT Sun. 11/22 Ken Bessette THE BEST
« on: November 22, 2009, 10:49:43 AM »
I cannot remember seeing a better puzzle than "Literal Translations."  If there were a hall of fame for puzzles, this would have to be included.  There are just so many good things about it, some of which are:

THEME:  Very clever and difficult to execute.  Ken had to find common phases, of particular lengths, which have a word that, by unscrambling, is defined by that phrase.  Thus we get the phrase GOTTURNEDAROUND clued by "Tog."  "Glibness" is MIXEDBLESSING; "Felt" is LEFTINDISARRAY; "Goes" is ALTEREGOS; "Rage" is GEARSHIFT; etc.

SUBJECT MATTER:  Interesting proper names from a wide range of topics from literature's John CIARDI to heavy metal's LARS Ulrich; from the political RAISA to the sporting DIMAG; from cartooning's Max SEGAR to mythology's ISIS; from music's Luciano Pavarotti to the media's Dr. RUTH; and symbolically, from the geographical PASADENA in California to TIOGA in New York.  And there are many more topics covered.

CLUING: Clever and out of the ordinary  :)
Pieces of eight    ARCS [the numeral 8 is comprised of a series of arcs]
Cheep place to stay?   NEST
Early matchmaker   NOAH
Ticker tapes, briefly?    EKGS [ticker is slang for heart]
Metal containers    ORES [stones in which metals reside]
Support staff?    CANE
Disney duck princess   OONA [not the oft used Chaplin wife]


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Re: LAT Sun. 11/22 Ken Bessette THE BEST
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2014, 06:33:12 PM »
Here I go again, responding to a five-year-old post. OONA is a "Disney duck princess" who is virtually unknown in the United States. I don't think she has ever appeared in Disney comic books in this country. Oona first appeared in a 1994 comic book published by Egmont in Copenhagen, Denmark. The story was written by Stefan Printz-PĂ„hlson and his wife Unn and illustrated by Victor Arriagada Rios. Donald and Gladstone used a time machine to go back to prehistoric times. They met Princess Oona and took her back to modern-day Duckburg. Oona has appeared in two dozen stories in comic books in Brazil and several European countries.

I find it interesting that a mermaid in the Disney Channel's new Sofia The First animated series is named Oona.


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