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Author Topic: Fri., 9/5 Jeffrey Wechsler  (Read 4851 times)


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Fri., 9/5 Jeffrey Wechsler
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:09:13 AM »
THEME:   intrusive J
Pretentious showoffs {& theme}   POPINJAYS [if one uses this word, is he a pretentious showoff?]   
What bearded men get in blizzards?   SNOWY JOWLS [snowy owls]   
(Problem with GREAT JAPE is that using jape tends to be a bit pretentious.)   :)   
Reel relatives   JIGS [I thought rods, of course]   
Place in Monopoly's orange monopoly   ST JAMES [this entry offers color, nostalgia, and two meanings for "Place"]   
Numbers for songs?: Abbr.   SYN   
This puzzle uses 5 J's which we won't see again for a long time.
"Just like me"   AS I DO [possible, but better would be "I think the same" since DO and think are verbals]   
Some discriminators   SEXISTS  [never liked the word discrimanate-ors to suggest prejudice.  For example, I discriminate between men and women and prefer the latter.  Does that make me a SEXIST?  The evaluative level of cognition requires discrimination, yet common parlance has pejorated the term.]  Was I just pretentious?  ???   
RATING: ;D ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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Re: Fri., 9/5 Jeffrey Wechsler
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 11:51:52 PM »
"Five J's" sounds like the name of a 1950s doo-wop group.

The Register publishes two daily editions, one for Orange County and one for Los Angeles County. The paper runs three puzzles, one by Thomas Joseph, one from the New York Times, and one that is titled "Daily Crossword" and not credited.

In the latter puzzle today, whoever created it obviously wound up with two strange words that he couldn't replace by reworking some of the answers. DIA was the answer for "Width of a cir." I was surprised to see DIA in the dictionary, but the preferred abbreviation of "diameter" is DIA. The puzzle maker could have clued DIA as "Spanish day" but many editors frown on foreign words. Another answer was ARN. The clue was "Prince Val's son." ARN has appeared in a few puzzles but it is awfully obscure. And why shorten "Valiant" to "Val"? We're talking about Prince Valiant, not Val Kilmer!


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