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Author Topic: Thu., 11/5 Gerry Wildenberg  (Read 5948 times)


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Thu., 11/5 Gerry Wildenberg
« on: November 05, 2015, 09:34:17 AM »
THEME:   phrases containing musical terms [lyre, oboe, bass(ist)]
Film score component {& theme}   INCIDENTAL MUSIC [the "music" is incidental to the phrase]   
Trigger guide   REIN [Lone Ranger's horse was Trigger]   
SALLE as a definition of room is not good, but the explorer La Salle or the college would work.   
Newbie   TYRO ["newbie" is too cutesy but perhaps "tyro" or "neophyte" is too pedantic.  What would be said, then, of abecedarian?]   
Double exposures?   STUNTS [I just got it: stunt doubles are exposed when being filmed --- but it's too far afield for me.]   
Eye problem   STYE [used often, but I see them as eyelid problems; the eyes are fine]   

Caravel mover   SAIL [not the way my sailboat worked; the wind moved the boat --- I suspect that was so in Columbus' time]
Since AMONG came from a poem, how about LET BE as in "Let be be finale of seem; the only emperor is the emperor of ice cream" [think that's exact]   

Horror movie character   GHOUL [why are ghoul movies coming down in droves from the Hollywood hills (so to speak) and why are they so popular?]   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 09:38:12 AM by magus »


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Re: Thu., 11/5 Gerry Wildenberg
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2015, 02:43:35 PM »
In today's crossword, "Trigger guide" was not a clue for a gun-related term; rather, it was a clue for a horse-related term: REIN. Trigger was the name of Roy Rogers' horse. Trigger appeared in all 81 of Roy's feature films for Republic and in all 100 of Roy's tv episodes. The golden palomino had been ridden by Olivia DeHavilland in the movie The Adventures Of Robin Hood. After Roy acquired the speedy horse, he named it Trigger after Smiley Burnette noted that it was "quick on the trigger." Here is Joel Dortch's detailed history of Trigger, "The Smartest Horse in the Movies":


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Re: Thu., 11/5 Gerry Wildenberg
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2015, 02:55:37 PM »
Until today, I had never heard of the 1922 Wallace Stevens poem The Emperor of Ice-Cream, from which Mister magus quoted two lines:

"Let be be finale of seem.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream."

Now I'll probably drive myself crazy trying to figure out the meaning of "Let be be finale of seem."  ???


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