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General Discussion / Re: A dupe too far?
« Last post by mmcbs on October 22, 2023, 03:35:54 PM »
Of course, we don't know. If the theme and other fill are spectacular, these might be overlooked.

The real answer is if you are worried about these issues, then you should fix them. If they simply cannot be fixed by rearranging things (which is doubtful), then go ahead with the submission.

No one following this forum can tell you what an editor will do in these "close call" cases.

General Discussion / A dupe too far?
« Last post by zinaphile on October 22, 2023, 03:27:59 PM »
I've got ITSADEAL and ISITME in the same fill. I think having IT in the puzzle twice is acceptable, NYT had a Friday puzzle recently with this. But does adding in IS (and the S contraction) take it too far?

If that's OK, I also have IMNO and IASSUME. Again NYT has done puzzles with I duplicated so it would seem that this dupe by itself isn't fatal, but would doing it on top of the ITS/ISIT dupe be too much?

General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by Wunderteam on October 22, 2023, 03:49:26 AM »
Silly me, the WSJ publishes the solution to the Friday puzzle itself on the following Monday (sometimes Tuesday) as a PDF. The letters can then be simply copied and pasted into the .puz file after skipping the blacks squares and recalculating the checksum values.
General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by Wunderteam on October 20, 2023, 03:56:42 AM »
Does anyone have the address of a website, which has the answers to the Friday puzzle in an easily parsable format? I would like to add the answers back into the .puz file using a program. "Diary of a Crossword Fiend" has the filled grid as a low-resolution .png file, which my OCR cannot transform, while the result of a Google search is greatly obfuscated by cheesy clickbait sites.
General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by phil262 on October 18, 2023, 07:13:10 PM »
OK, obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. I'll stop posting now.
General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by Glenn9999 on October 18, 2023, 03:16:20 PM »
But now I see that the answers are omitted on purpose because Friday puzzles are now contest puzzles.

The Friday puzzles have always been contest puzzles for years.  They just didn't care about putting answers in the online solver until about 3 weeks ago.
General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by phil262 on October 18, 2023, 07:12:09 AM »
Sorry, I though it was a one-time glitch.  :P
But now I see that the answers are omitted on purpose because Friday puzzles are now contest puzzles.

Quote from:
Email your answer—in the subject line—to by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time Sunday.... A solver selected at random will win a WSJ mug.... Complete contest rules at (No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. U.S. residents 18 and over only.)
General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by Glenn9999 on October 17, 2023, 10:11:16 PM »
Turns out the .puz file was not formatted correctly, causing the solution to be all Xs.

No, actually the WSJ has started removing answers out of the Friday puzzles for the last three weeks.  To make PUZ files work given this, the X's are inserted into the PUZ files as the answers.  So it's not a glitch, it's not "not formatted correctly", it's a FEATURE.  So, if you don't like that the WSJ doesn't provide answers to Friday puzzles, complain very loudly to them.  Given track record, they won't listen, but I thought I'd explain actually why this is happening.  Expect it to continue for every Friday in the future.
General Discussion / Re: WSJ .puz glitch
« Last post by phil262 on October 16, 2023, 07:27:17 AM »
Same thing happened to me with the 6 October WSJ puzzle. Turns out the .puz file was not formatted correctly, causing the solution to be all Xs.
This guy's word list is listed on another thread... its very large and the guy has spent 10 years compiling and scoring it. Is it perfect?, no, and he knows it isn't, but its probably better than what you have, or anything you would create yourself in any short amount of time. connections

When I click on the links at the bottom, it just opens a new tab with the words listed. all half a million+ of them. If that occurs for you, copy and paste into a .txt doc, save and rename the extension as .dict for Crossfire. Import and uncheck the existing lists in the Config>Dictionary area. One list to rule them all.

I too am wrapped up in making the perfect list, and the thing that I seem to be accomplishing the most in my word list compiling... is avoiding constructing crosswords. I have soo many lists, that Excel can't handle it. Working on a database solution at the moment. But I found this guy's scored list the other day and I probably should just give it up and start building crosswords with his list instead.
If you have too many lists and cannot process them, please email them to me to store the information. I need it too.
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