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Author Topic: Open-source alternative to CC  (Read 30873 times)

Ryan Chipman

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Open-source alternative to CC
« on: June 05, 2015, 09:21:19 PM »
Hi All,

I am a long-time lurker, first-time poster here. I am a software developer who loves words and crosswords, and have dabbled in construction. One thing that has held me back is that the program generally held up as the golden standard for constructing (Crossword Compiler) is really inaccessible to me, for a number of reasons, including

- Cost
- Windows-only (I run linux)

I am a huge believer in, user of, and supporter of the open-source community and open-source software as a whole. I believe that the crossword community could benefit greatly from an open-source alternative to CC. I am looking into developing a free, open-source program for constructing crosswords with a few important goals in mind:

- Always free
- Compatibility with Linux, Windows, and Mac OS
- Open, plaintext file format

Would this be something people in the cruciverb community would be interested in using and/or supporting?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!


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Re: Open-source alternative to CC
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2015, 02:24:00 PM »
I have not used other software than CC, and it is very entrenched. I accepted the recommendation of those who said it was best, so I've never tried anything else, and never had any inclination to do so.

There are some deficiencies with CC, however, so like any system it could be improved upon. I would certainly be interested in looking at other software, but for the serious constructor, cost is not an issue. I'm sure there are Mac users who would love to have xword software. For Windows users, you'd need to articulate the benefits to get many to try it. I suspect that developing something that would put a meaningful dent in the CC user community would be an uphill battle.

Mark McClain
Salem, Virginia, USA


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Re: Open-source alternative to CC
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 08:33:16 AM »
Hello, Im really sorry for bumping old thread..but Im searching similar information. Can someone help me please?


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Re: Open-source alternative to CC
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2023, 10:44:32 PM »
I am a huge believer in, user of, and supporter of the open-source community and open-source software as a whole. I believe that the crossword community could benefit greatly from an open-source alternative to CC. I am looking into developing a free, open-source program for constructing crosswords with a few important goals in mind:

Have a look at QXW, which might be something you can explore starting with or picking back up development with (it's GPL) and has a Linux version.  Indeed, people wanting to test out constructing would benefit greatly from another option than Crossword Compiler, as I don't think there's a fair entry-level option out there.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 11:08:53 PM by Glenn9999 »


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