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Author Topic: Two issues  (Read 15933 times)


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Two issues
« on: November 07, 2010, 10:22:38 AM »
I am having two problems.  One, I signed up for the cruciverb mailing list and got a reply, but am not getting the daily log and have checked my junk mailbox too.  I sent a note to the admin, but don't see a reply.  Second, I am trying to send a message to user Jonathan L. O'Rourke and am getting a message that the user ID does not exist.  Can you help?


  • Administrator
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Re: Two issues
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 10:31:38 AM »
FOr the digest, could be that there haven;t been any messages lately. But there does also seem to be a glitch. Soem people receive the digests every day, others get it sporadically. I looked into it briefly but could nto see what was cauign the anomaly.

As for the user you wish to contact, his username is "alfcake"

- Kevin


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