Possible Title:
“Toying With Us”Theme: two-word phrases the first word of which can follow POP and the second word of which can follow GUN, and together the two words make POP GUN.
Good Ones:With 40-Across, kids toy {theme} POP and, adjacent in the grid, GUN
Shark attack victim? JET [Sharks and Jets were warring gangs in
West Side Story]
Birds do it LAYEGGS [from the Cole Porter song, “Let’s Do It,” which if you don’t know, Google it and laugh]
(I also enjoyed the interesting cluing throughout.)
By the Way:Gary must be a baseball fan; there are five references to the game.
“Deadwood” channel HBO [an apt name for most of the offerings on the channel, including that show]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun