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Author Topic: LAT Fri. 5/4 David Poole  (Read 4785 times)


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LAT Fri. 5/4 David Poole
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:44:15 AM »
Possible Title: Dese, Dems, & Dose

Good Ones:
Fernando’s Hideaway   CASA [originally from the ‘50’s song “Hernando’s Hideaway”]
MA and PA   STS
Theme: substitution of tee sound by dee sound in phrases
Corpulent corpuscle?   WIDEBLOODCELL
Weaponry etiquette?   CODEOFARMS
Warning sign at a kiddie pool?   WADEUNTILDARK

Who knew?:
“Never Gonna Give You Up” was a song, it was sung by Rick ASTLEY, or there is/was a Rick ASTLEY.

By the Way:
Basie’s “ONE O’Clock Jump” is a song worth mentioning as, by the way, is “Hernando’s Hideaway” from The Pajama Game.

Some Nits to Pick:
Bolt holder   TNUT [a bolt is a screw plus a nut, so a TNUT, being part of a bolt can’t hold itself --- a better clue might be “Alphabetic bolt part”]

RATING:   ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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