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Author Topic: Thu., 8/20 Alan DerKazarian  (Read 4898 times)


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Thu., 8/20 Alan DerKazarian
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:38:32 AM »
THEME:   crossing words which can be defined by the word guard
School area workers {& theme}  CROSSING GUARDS   
Star sometimes eclipsing Venus?  SERENA [didn't think of tennis: the only brighter star I could think of was the Sun, and Venus is really a planet]   
Rodeo catcher   LASSO [not spectator]   
DIECI and ESTO are not used in English...   
… Neither is Shevat or ADAR, but oddly these Middle Eastern terms are in the dictionary; odd because junio and other European months are not.  Can some reverse xenophobia be at play here?  [BTW2, why is dislike of the foreign (coined xenophobia in1903) labeled a phobia when it has more to do with taste?  Same for homophobia (coined in 2007) --- are people afraid who think homosexuality is evil or distasteful, or are they prejudiced, or are they discriminating?  Actually, it is now defined as hatred of foreigners and LBGT's to which these terms refer, but I simply recoil at  -phobia when odium or hate would do just fine: "xenohatred" or "homodium."]   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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