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Author Topic: LAT Sun - Wed Catch-up  (Read 4700 times)


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LAT Sun - Wed Catch-up
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:46:56 AM »
Sun. 5/27  Ed Sessa  ;D ;D ;D
Good Ones:
Jewel cases?   Safes
Den sleeper   BEAR
Theme: professionals with apt descriptions
Scientist who is tedious to a fault?   BORINGGEOLOGIST
Bread maker not earning his bread?   LOAFINGBAKER
Arranger growing into her job?   BUDDINGFLORIST
Attorney who turns heads?   APPEALINGLAWYER
Nightclubbing club pro?   SWINGINGGOLFER
Belle in blue?   ARRESTINGCOP

Mon. 5/28  Kurt Mueller   ;D

Tue. 5/29  Jeff Stillman  ;D ;D
Good ones:
Ain’t as it should be?   ISNT
Starr of the NFL   BART
Theme: four songs, one by each Beatle
60’s pop group   BEATLES

Wed. 5/30  Gagliardo & Burnikel  ;D ;D ;D
Good ones:
Home front?   YARD
Theme: EWE in ten (10) phrases! [must’ve set the record for W’s in a 15x15 grid]
Fight insomnia, in a way {and theme} COUNTSHEEP


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