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Author Topic: Sun., 1/5 Joel D. LaFargue  (Read 4694 times)


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Sun., 1/5 Joel D. LaFargue
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:48:40 AM »
THEME:   first word of a phrase can precede NAME; hence "Name Game"
Classic detective…  NICK CHARLES [nickname]   
Man with memorable thumbs   EBERT ["thumb up" critic --- not some Smart Phone user   :)   ]   
Non-metallic rocks   ICE ["on the rocks"]   
It won't hold water   STRAINER   
One often turned on   LIGHT   
Fall locale   EDEN [not the mountains in autumn]   
Boy's mother   JANE [in Tarzan of the Apes]   
Frank and Rice   ANNES [my editors last century wouldn't allow names from different spheres --- never knew why]   
Classic French firearms company   LEPAGE [heard of the glue, with -S, not the gun]   
OK, this is odd:  when I filled in RELIC @36-Down, the Bob Seeger song "Old-Time Rock & Roll" ran through my head. "Call me a RELIC, call me what you will.  Say I'm old-fashioned; say I'm over the hill…"   Then @ 70-Down SEGER popped up.]   
EINES is just not used whereas IDEE FIXE is.   
RATING:    ;D ;D ;D
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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