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Author Topic: LAT Sun. 6/17 Gareth Bain  (Read 4690 times)


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LAT Sun. 6/17 Gareth Bain
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:44:18 AM »
Theme: 7 phrases with an O added to make a new meaning, but  I didn't find the results interesting or clever.

Good Ones:
Part of a gig   MEG [I thought SET]
Retired boomers   SSTS [the French jets]
A in French?   UNE
Small sum of money, slangly  HAY [“It ain’t hay”]

By the Way:
She played WKRP’s Jennifer   LONI [I remembered her --- wonder why? ;)]

Campy 1968 Fonda title role   BARBARELLA [I’d change the am in Campy to ra]

I knew the answers to “Chimney schmutz” and “Fanny” (TUSH) likely because my oldest friend is Jewish.  [sometimes I’d hear “tushy”]

Who knew?:
ASE is the Greek stock market.  Silly me, I thought it was the American Stock Exchange --- I’m so parochial.

Some Nits to Pick:
Triumph against odds   WINOUT [It’s often the case that “to win out” is simply a win without being an upset. “The first place Yankees will win out over last place Boston next week.”]

RATING:   ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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