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Author Topic: LAT Mon. 6/1 Gary Steinmehl  (Read 7249 times)


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LAT Mon. 6/1 Gary Steinmehl
« on: June 01, 2009, 12:35:19 PM »
I was wondering if anyone but me bridled just a bit at "Old-time drummer Gene" for KRUPA.  I was in the late 1960's when I saw Gene Krupa play at the Metropole Cafe in Manhattan.  He became famous for the Benny Goodman classic "Sing, Sing, Sing" recorded several times, once live at Carnegie Hall in 1939.  I just never thought of him as "old-time," and perhaps that says more about me than Gary, but I think a better clue might have been "Great drummer Gene" or "Big band drummer Gene."  It really wasn't that long ago, was it?

I liked "Refreshing rapper/actor?" for ICET. :)  


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