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Author Topic: LAT Mon. 2/8 Jerome Gunderson  (Read 5844 times)


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LAT Mon. 2/8 Jerome Gunderson
« on: February 08, 2010, 08:38:52 AM »
The yoke's on them    OXEN
Lady's man    GENT [not a Romeo]

Therapist's response   ISEE [Doesn't everyone say this?  Why is a therapist singled out?  "'I see,' said the blind man to his deaf daughter."

SHOOTINGSTARS is clever: pool players MINNESOTAFATS shoot pool, basketball players MOSESMALONE shoot baskets, and sharpshooters ANNIEOAKLEY shoot rifles, and they were stars. 
     I thought of Richard Avedon who shot stills of movie stars;  Ansel Adams who shot landscapes; Arnold Palmer who shot below par; Francis Ford Coppola who shot big movie stars; and famous surfer dudes who shoot something or other. 


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