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Author Topic: Thu., 6/11 Danny Reichert  (Read 4561 times)


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Thu., 6/11 Danny Reichert
« on: June 11, 2015, 08:35:05 AM »
THEME:   eleventh chapter titles of great books
Words creditors don't want to hear {& theme}   CHAPTER ELEVEN   
Is for more than one?   ARE [used, but good]   
Notebook owner   USER [still haven't gotten used to this term for the machine I'm using to write this; I thought TEEN in school]   
Pump part, perhaps   STRAP [shoe, not machine]   
Here, in Havana  ACA [but not in the USA]   
Spoil rotten   DOTE ON [it may spoil a person, and may even spoil him rotten, but to DOTE ON simply means to lavish affection upon --- in fact, it may even build up a delicate ego]   
It hits the nail on the head   PEEN [a peen (hammer head) does so only if the nailer is accurate; often it misses and mars the wood --- trust me]

I appreciated the references to the great experiences of my youth, and to do so this way is particularly creative.    
RATING: ;D ;D ;D    
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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