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Author Topic: Fri, 3/1 Dan Margolis  (Read 5904 times)


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Fri, 3/1 Dan Margolis
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:31:05 AM »
THEME:   final -ANCE in two-word phrases changed to ANTS, a homonym that changes the meaning of the original phrase
"Block that kick" and "Dee-fense!"?   SPORTINGCHANTS [sporting chance]    
Temporarily contribute helpers?   LENDASSISTANTS [assistance]   
Kind of a drag?   MAIN [as in "main drag": sadly I'm reminded of the horrid rock song of that name]   
Head lock   TRESS [oldie but goodie]   
Welcoming sight?   MAT [wonder if "site" would have worked]   
It took me awhile to see that the -ANTS endings were homonyms for -ANCE.  I suspect it might easily have been missed.          
Supper preceder   GRACE [note that "dinner preceder" might not work so well since dinner tends to be more formal, more sophisticated; and, somehow, less likely to be preceded by grace.  Dan has a good ear.]   
I think the cluing throughout was above par --- not necessarily punny or humorous, just clever.   
RATING: ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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