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Author Topic: LAT Wed. 6/6 Janie Smulyan  (Read 5105 times)


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LAT Wed. 6/6 Janie Smulyan
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:24:11 AM »
Possible Title: Ballroom Threads

Good Ones:
Bit of the Big Apple   BOROUGH
It has a sticking point   DART
Columbus’s home   OHIO [surprised there’s no question mark --- not that I think it needs one]
Theme: women’s clothing named by dances
…ABBA title girl   DANCINGQUEEN [ :)  thanks for the memory]

By the Way:
When did it become déclassé to refer to a doctor as a doctor?  PCP is known since the 1960’s as an abused drug.  HMO’s now refer to primary care doctors as primary care physicians (to distinguish them from primary care doctors of History) and abbreviated as PCP’s.  Of course, PCD’s wouldn’t be as inane.

Given the Italianate TOSCANA reference, I’m surprised NOLA was clued with the American abbreviation rather than by “Italian city near Naples.”

Who knew?:
There is a CANCANSKIRT or CHACHAHEELS [guess I’m not “hep”]

Some Nits to Pick:
ATOI [bad clue --- same as yesterday]

RATING:   ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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