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Author Topic: Tue., 2/18 Robert E. Lee Morris  (Read 4672 times)


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Tue., 2/18 Robert E. Lee Morris
« on: February 18, 2014, 08:54:42 AM »
THEME:   last word of a phrase is a dog's name
One of the things little boys are made of {& theme}   PUPPY DOG TAILS [never realized how gruesome this rhyme is]   
Once again we get ACER as a tennis player, not the computer company.  There seem two possibilities: LAT editor does not read this space (but should), or he reads it and is making a point (but shouldn't).  Consider that over the past years, the dozens of ACER entries have never been clued as the computer company --- a far better clue given that no sportswriter ever uses the term to define a tennis server.  BTW, even Chris Evert with her get-me-over serve scored aces. Is it possible that constructors who read this space submit ACER as a computer and the editor changes it?  And would that be more petty than my complaining about it?    :-\
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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