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Author Topic: LAT Tue. 9/22 Dan Naddor  (Read 6277 times)


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LAT Tue. 9/22 Dan Naddor
« on: September 22, 2009, 09:53:10 AM »
Water, in Cannes   EAU [not cans, the way we say it]
Catch-22    DILEMMA [The book title has become a word itself; any others?]

With the above exceptions, this puzzle seemed to be shorn of any of the cleverness typical of Dan's work.  I suppose anything less mundane than "Night twinkler" for STAR would have been too challenging for Tuesday.

I'm often struck by the famous, and not so famous, people that solvers are expected to know.  Today's puzzle referred to 19 names in 15 entries:

Edgar Bergen/Mortimer SNERD [Well dummies count as people, don't they?]
George TAKEI
Jacques Brel
Jay Leno/EDD Hall
Regis Philbin/Kelly RIPA
Harold RAMIS
Mork from Ork [He was pretty much a dummy also, but a cute one.]
OTTO Klemperer
Joseph McCarthy/ALGERHISS
Barak Obama
Lucy LIU
Edgar Allen POE
Elliot Ness


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