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Author Topic: Remind Me of NYT Process  (Read 11697 times)


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Remind Me of NYT Process
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:09:18 AM »
Hello all!

Haven't sold a puzzle in 3 or 4 years, and just got an acceptance at the NYT. However, in this case, I was asked by email to re-mail a hard copy of the puzzle with "preapproved" written on the envelope. What would be the next communication I should expect from the NYT?

I've, of course, become paranoid that the envelope will never arrive and I can't remember what the next step would be...


Todd G

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Re: Remind Me of NYT Process
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 07:40:48 AM »

First of all, congratulations on the acceptance!

Second, I think re-sending a puzzle is a rare occurrence.  I didn't have to resend my puzzle he recently accepted.  But I think I've heard of other cases of that.

Third, don't worry about the puzzle getting lost in the mail.  After two weeks or so, go ahead and e-mail Will about the puzzle  (OK because it was accepted).  If for some strange reason he didn't get it (he's gotten every puzzle I've sent so far), go ahead and re-send.

Fourth, the next step.  Well, I'm still waiting to have my first published, so not sure what the next step is.  But I'm pretty sure the NYT will walk you through it.  You've been accepted.  Relax.



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