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Author Topic: LAT Sat. 5/5 Doug Peterson  (Read 4843 times)


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LAT Sat. 5/5 Doug Peterson
« on: May 05, 2012, 09:19:08 AM »
Possible Title: Peterson “30”

Good Ones:
Overdrawn account?   FISHSTORY
Prone to spoiling   DOTING
Pick-up artist?   KLEPTO [I might’ve included “Abbr.”]
Joltless Joe?   DECAF [love this one, but you have to know “Joltin’ Joe” --- a once household nickname, now adrift in the annals of pop culture]

By the Way:
I’m not partial to themeless puzzles, but there is a wide variety of subject matter (from Chaka Kahn to AIDA to Castor and Pollux) and good cluing throughout.

Isn’t Capt. QUEEG one of the great names in American novels?

Almost unabashed plug: speaking of American novel names, Castor & Pollux's ship, ARGO, is the first name of the protagonist of my novel.  (His mother was Greek.)  :-[

RATING:   ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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