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Author Topic: Sat., 6/15 Brad Wilber  (Read 5171 times)


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Sat., 6/15 Brad Wilber
« on: June 15, 2013, 09:19:11 AM »
THEME:   none: 31 blocks
West end?   ERN   
Gives everyone a hand   DEALS   
Is for more than one?   ARE   
Will, barring obstacles   MEANSTO [in an attempt to make it difficult, it fell into error: will and means are entirely different, with or without obstacles]   
Narrow band   STRAP [another misbegotten try at rigor: a strap is not by definition narrow; it may be wide --- merely placing adjectives in front of nouns does not delimit a term]    
While this one had no theme and lacked a triple gang, I enjoyed the challenge and the wide range of subject matter.  (N.B., it would not be correct to clue EXTENT with "Wide range" because a range may also be narrow.)   
RATING:    ;D ;D
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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