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Author Topic: exporting from CC8 for NYT  (Read 10567 times)


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exporting from CC8 for NYT
« on: October 28, 2010, 12:25:20 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm using Crossword Compiler 8 to construct puzzles and when I need to export to Word in order to mail a submission to Will Shortz, I'm having difficulties with formatting. Specifically, Will asks that clues and answers go into two columns on the page, with clues on the left and answers on the far right. This is what I see in CC8 when I click "Review/Edit Clues" under the Clue menu, but I can't directly copy and paste it and I haven't found an export command to create an equivalent in Word or elsewhere. Has anyone figured out a quick way to do this? Every time I have to copy the clues to a document, then tab over to the right side and type in each answer individually, which is a bit frustrating.



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Re: exporting from CC8 for NYT
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 06:06:07 AM »
There is an option to copy a grid, clues, etc. to your clipboard. I think it's under File or somewhere in the top left of the window.


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