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Author Topic: How can I create a "Schrodinger" puzzle in CC?  (Read 7768 times)


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How can I create a "Schrodinger" puzzle in CC?
« on: May 19, 2018, 04:48:37 PM »

I am working on creating a Schrodinger puzzle. It has certain words where there are multiple answers for the same clue. For example, a crossing word may have the answer BAT or CAT with the clue, "Halloween animal". Entering either B or C as the first letter would be correct.

How do I enter the alternate letters in Crossword Compiler?

I would like to save it in .PUZ format, where the solver can use either answer to complete the puzzle.

- Rob


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Re: How can I create a "Schrodinger" puzzle in CC?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2018, 10:25:54 PM »
I would like to save it in .PUZ format, where the solver can use either answer to complete the puzzle.

PUZ will not support doing this, from what I know about the format.  I can imagine from what I know of Crossword Compiler that it won't support it either.

My guess is that what you do is create two separate puzzles, each with one of the options and get the fill you're looking for.  Then publishing the blank grid will get the net effect you're looking for.


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