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Author Topic: crosswords with unicode characters  (Read 8418 times)


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crosswords with unicode characters
« on: May 24, 2020, 12:52:35 PM »
Hi all,

I'd like to create digitized puzzles in languages that require unicode characters, but I can't really find anyone doing this online. Most file formats and software cannot seem to do this, which is a real shame. (PUZ certainly can't.) Is anyone here doing this?

In particular, I'm most interested in digitizing puzzles in the Esperanto language, which uses an alphabet that includes several characters with unusual diacritic marks (see

As an experiment, I created a JPZ version of this puzzle from an old Esperanto magazine:

(I did this by hand, not using Crossword Compiler.) It works in Crossword Solver, but not in the mobile apps I've tried that supposedly support JPZ. Is JPZ and its associated products the best option for these languages?

Thanks for the advice.



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