Forum > General Discussion

Designing Grids

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I find grid libraries helpful for visualizing what's possible.  For example, if you have a 13-letter theme entry that has to go in the middle, that's hard to work with.  I sometimes use the grid library at the very initial stage.  Maybe I have a pun theme and I generate 8 or 9 puns of various lengths.  If I see lots of grids work with some lengths and not others, it can help me decide which ones to use.

Often I'll even start with a grid from the library, knowing I may shift a few blocks around while I'm filling.

I design my own grids as I fill them. I can't seem to create an arbitrary grid and then fill it. I have to create the grid as I fill. I have posted a puzzle in the posting area. Check it out.

Todd G:
I've always designed my own grids (in fact, I'm not entirely sure how to use a prefab grid).  I've certainly had difficulties sometimes getting a grid to work, but almost always found a way to make it work.  And I've created some pretty weird grids.

Practice definitely helps...but a seasoned constructor (like Nancy) can help you get there faster.  Also, books like Patrick Berry's Crossword Puzzle Challenges for Dummies offer some good tips and examples.

Good luck!


Thanks to all for your advise.  This is addicting, fun, but most of all, challenging.  If it were easy, I'd have quite weeks ago!  LOL.  I think I'm in it for the long haul.


you wrote  "What aspect of grid creation is giving you trouble?  Is it understanding the rules (the symmetry requirements, etc.) "

This is a big part of it.  I have hundreds of notes all over the place about symmetry requirements.  Is there a cheatsheet anywhere?



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