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Help needed getting a 21x21 grid going... thanks!


Hello!  I'm trying to construct a sunday size grid for the first time, as far as theme answers I've got one 13, two 12s and four 11s.  I'm just having a difficult time getting a grid that works, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

If you're planning to submit this for publication somewhere, it's probably a little light on theme answers. Most editors will want to see more than 85 theme letters, and you're at 81. Maybe there's another 13 out there that you could use?

If you'll email me at, I'll show you a couple of grid ideas that should get you started.

Thanks!  I just saw your DM too, I smartly published this post, and then went into the woods with no internet about 20 mins after.  Good point on the lightness of theme letters, gonna work on it a bit more, thanks again!


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