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Need help with title

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I'm almost finished with a 21 X 21 puzzle. The subject is "pirates." I'm trying to find a title that doesn't give away the subject right away.
I thought of "Skulduggery"  or "Salmagundi"; but these titles are too closely allied with pirates. The major pirate-related entries can be taken two ways; so I thought maybe I should avoid the pirate-related title altogether and maybe could use "Double Dealers" or "One Thing or Another." I'm not too happy with the later either; because there's no hint whatsoever of the pirate theme. Maybe I'm asking for the impossible--a subtle reference to pirates in the title. Any ideas?

Hard to help on this without knowing the theme entries . . . shoot me a DM with them, and I'll make a suggestion or two.

Hi Mark--

I was about to send the puzzle to you, when I thought of a title I can use: "False Flags." I think a lot of people would associate "Skulduggery" with pirates; but not as many would know that pirates flew false flags. This would also serve the purpose of reference to my use of double-entendres for the main clues-answers. Thanks so much for the offer; but I think I'll stick with that. If my puzzle is accepted, they may change the title anyway. Once again, thanx for the offer--you've helped me before.

What about "Aaarrrrgh!" ?

Thanks for the suggestion; but I'm afraid it's too closely associated with pirates--and a dead
give-away to the subject of the puzzle.


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