Yes, we've seen this before, and hopefully the feed will come back soon. For now, here's today's puzzle if you don't mind a kludgy way to open it in Across Lite:
1. Copy the following text (no extra spaces!) and paste it into a plain text file on your computer.
2. Open Across Lite
3. Click File / Open / (your text file)
4. Click Save As to save the puzzle in .puz format or just solve/print as usual
I'll post the missing Monday and Tuesday puzzles if anyone still wants them.

LA Times, Wed, Apr 18, 2018
Agnes Davidson & C.C. Burnikel / Ed. Rich Norris
Puzzle Content © 2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
__ Romeo: Italian car
Machu Picchu people
__ Plaines
Copier room quantity
Spanish peak
With 27-Down, Captain Picard
What constant stress does, healthwise
Disney woman loosely based on Andersen's Snow Queen
Draw out
Flustered state
Bathroom fixture
Old West folklore cowboy
FedEx alternative
Arsenal inventory
"What was __ was saying?"
Japanese rolls
Dip __ in: test
Things gathered by aficionados ... or what the ends of 16-, 24-, 49-and 59-Across can be?
Patella's place
Video game letters
N.Y. Cosmos org.
Wee bit
Very expensive
Indian __
Enthusiastic reply to "Who knows the answer?"
More lax
Muscat money
Taunts on the field
Barracks beds
Forest fixtures
Citrus hybrid
Brooklyn __, N.Y.
Medicinal plant
Techie, often
Co-star of Jackie on "The Honeymooners"
__ & Perrins steak sauce
Happy face that's put on
Bedelia of kiddie lit
Apple choice
"Reward" for poor service
20 fins
Braves, on sports news crawls
Once in a long while
Indian city on the Yamuna River
Studio support
Doghouse "Don't come any closer!"
Water-propelled craft
"Truman" actor
Belief ending
General Motors brand
__ Martin: British car
Tahrir Square city
See 15-Across
Follow furtively
Mason's tray
Youngster's time of life
Luxury timepiece
City on the Ruhr
Soup legumes
Most Soc. Sec. recipients
Secret to the max
Give a leg up
Lawn care giant
Post-winter river thaw
Canoe wood
Kids on a farm?
First name in daytime TV
Arcade coin
Mount of Greek myth
"__ You Lonesome Tonight?"
Camera type, for short
Put in a secret place