Possible Title:
Silken SaturdayGood Ones:Participate in a secret joint venture ELOPE
Familiar game show address ALEX [hard as it may be to believe, I never saw the show except for a few snippets over the years
Bed threads PAJAMAS [had the “P” and filled in “percale,” which fit]
Who knew?:Pope John I was of the 6th Cent. And I always thought it was the 7th.
Vietnam had a Ngo Dinh NHU or that a Japanese veggie is UDO, or that anyone would be cruel enough to cross them. “Who Nhu?”
Justin Timberlake is [The] PRINCEOFPOP or that there was such royalty. [Let's see, there's Bing, Perry, Frank, Vic, Andy, and Justin.]
Some Nits to Pick:ENERO
Heavy weight ONETON [guess it’s relative: a one-ton vehicle is a lightweight --- a Blue Whale is 147 tons. I’d go with “Auto spec.”]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun