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Author Topic: LAT Fri. 7/8 Gagliardo & Burnikel  (Read 4830 times)


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LAT Fri. 7/8 Gagliardo & Burnikel
« on: July 08, 2011, 09:53:06 AM »
Compass Reading

Spot in a poker game   PIP
Big name in compacts   ESTEE [Lauder, not cars]
Bee drawers   NECTARS [not artists]
Popeye’s behind?   AFT
Theme: reading the words along the four outer edges of the grid while following the direction of a compass, the answers complete the second half of a term, the first half of which is the compass direction one is reading.  That is, ASIAN, SIDE, and WIND are read from left to right, or eastward; and “East” precedes ASIAN, SIDE, and WIND in a term.  Similarly, DAKOTA and PACIFIC are read from top to bottom, or southward; and South DAKOTA and South PACIFIC are terms.  One must read backward to get COAST, WING, and BANK, and that direction is west, as in West COAST, etc.  Reading from bottom to top is northward, and KOREAN and AMERICA are words that go with North.
“Apt” geographical element needed to complete {theme}   DIRECTION

Main vessel   SEABOAT [don’t think it’s used today --- “blue water boat” is current]

Treinta/seis   CINCO [what’s wrong with Cinco de Mayo?]
Peruvian pronoun   ESA [what’s next, Mongolian interjection?]

This one will be one of the best of 2011.
RATING:   ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun


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