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Author Topic: Collaborative Crossword Construction  (Read 11461 times)


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Collaborative Crossword Construction
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:59:35 PM »
I am intrigued by the concept of constructing a crossword
with someone else. In the past, it has generally been in a
solitary exercise.

I would like to know more about the give and take
involved, so if anyone has constructed a crossword with another person or as part of a group, I would be interested to hear about the experience.

Also, if anyone is interested in trying a collaboration with me, let me know and we could maybe give it a shot. If nothing else, it could be an interesting learning experience.

For a sample of a crossword I have constructed, check the Post a Puzzle section of
the forum. Of the various processes involved, I am interested (from most to least) in fill, theme, and lastly cluing.

Feel free to reply either on this thread or in a PM. :)

- Jonathan     


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Re: Collaborative Crossword Construction
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 08:24:32 AM »
Jonathan -

I am interested in collaborating since I, too, have never done it and think that it would be good to try.

It seems that I wander between cluing moods and filling moods, but I certainly like writing clues as much as filling (and can do it in bits and pieces around work and my kids, so it's easier to manage), so if you want to send me a fill, I'll be happy to clue it, and we could see how it goes.  If you wanted to construct a partial grid and give me some to fill, I would also be up for that. Let me know what interests you most.

I would classify myself as an advanced novice constructor (1 puzzle appeared in LAT, 1 accepted but not out in NYT, a few pending, and a healthy collection of rejections).  If you want someone more experienced, of course I'd understand.

I can be reached off-cruciverb at

- VB


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Re: Collaborative Crossword Construction
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 01:04:15 PM »
There are a few senior constructors who regularly accept inquiries to collaborate, and they sometimes involve a few mentoring sessions.  I'm not sure who is actively doing that right now, but if you are connected to the C-L mail list, that is a more visible means for getting a response than this forum.  Just put something like "Seeking a mentor" in the subject line and you're likely to get a reply.

I sometimes collaborate with people on novelty and themeless puzzles... but only when I can put a distinctive fingerprint on the work.  Otherwise, I usually just offer advice and fill suggestions.  In one instance, I saw a puzzle in this forum which I could overhaul in a significant way, so the author and I turned it into a collaboration at my request.  The starting puzzle showed sufficiently advanced skill so that enough of it remained after I made the alterations. 

Other constructors are better at mentoring of themed puzzles.  All you need to bring to the table is your theme ideas, and these mentors will pick them apart until a solid set of theme entries is developed.  That's the main hurdle.  Then you'll be guided through the fill process and the clueing process.

If you don't have access to the C-L mail list (because you're not a gold member on this website) just let me know below and I'll put out a message myself asking active mentors to come find you here in the forum.

Joe Krozel
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 05:39:06 PM by jorkel »


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