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Author Topic: Newbie puzzle help  (Read 954 times)


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 1
Newbie puzzle help
« on: May 24, 2024, 08:18:55 PM »
Hi there, this may be a silly question but very new to Crossfire.

Im trying to compile a themed crossword (cryptic) for a group of people with a common interest. A lot of the answers are likely to be very specialised or words only used by the group (its a medical examination board so lots of references to textbook names etc which are unlikely to appear in a dictionary data base)

Is there a way of getting the crossfire app to use exclusively all the words I have generated clues for to start a grid, and THEN filling in any remaining gaps with other clues? In other words Id like to find a way of getting as many of my pre written clues into the grid, and then filling in after with more generic words if that makes sense?

Apologies if this is a repeated or stupid question, but would appreciate any advice.




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