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Author Topic: Thu., 7/24 Jeffrey Wechsler  (Read 4335 times)


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Thu., 7/24 Jeffrey Wechsler
« on: July 24, 2014, 08:58:15 AM »
THEME:   first word of a phrase is a type of bird, but it is covert
oddly, none --- well maybe "Solemn conclusion"   
Big Bird fan   TOT [as well as a Baltimore Oriole fan, who must be chirping with delight these days]   :'(   
Ajar, in poems   OPE [I've already addressed this error!  Now pay attention.  No poet used OPE to mean ajar, ever (a million if you find one)   
Erudite person   SAVANT [I've met too many erudite people who were not by any stretch savants]   
Juillet's season   ETE [meaning summer is French and never used in English, but -ete is an affix for gamete]   
Fed. org. of neuropsychiatry   NIMH  [oddly there is a great kid's book called Mrs. Frisby [sic] and the Rats of Nimh --- anyway I liked it]   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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