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Author Topic: Wed., 9/16 C.W. Stewart  (Read 5045 times)


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Wed., 9/16 C.W. Stewart
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:24:22 AM »
Theme:  anagrams of the four seasons

Good Ones: 
It happens four times a year {& theme}  CHANGE OF SEASONS [and in a way the seasons are changed by being jumbled]
Comes to the point?   TAPERS
Piece of cake   LAYER
Military outfit   UNIFORM
Did ones part?   ACTED
Old-time broadcasters   CRIERS

Here, to Henri ICI [but not to Anthony]

Dinnertime TV fare   NEWS [I hope this does not suggest that the TV is on during dinner!  Reminds me of the loathsome "TV dinner" though for those who are alone it is probably a godsend.]

RATING:   ;D ;D (I enjoyed it.)               


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