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Author Topic: Sun., 8/11 Robert W. Harris  (Read 5383 times)


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Sun., 8/11 Robert W. Harris
« on: August 11, 2013, 10:12:23 AM »
THEME:   the letter O replaces the letter AR in common phrases
Drill presses, lathes, etc.?   SHOP-OBJECTS [and they are also "sharp objects" in a way]   
Queue at a rest room, to a tot?   POTTY-LINE   
Promo for a prominent baby doctor's book?   SPOCK-PLUG   
Clothing line   SEAM   
"Mock Time" is a clever if not immediately obvious title:  "mark time" is illustrative of the theme and in a way suggests "it is time to mock" the theme phrases.   
It appears our lexicon is being shortened before our eyes: LAT for latitude; APPS for applications; TARP for tarpaulin; NO LO for no lo contendere; ORANG for orangutan.    
Ready for the sea   SAILABLE [As any sailboat captain knows, most "sailable" boats are not ready for the sea.]   
Enjoy, as a hammock   LIE-ON [two problems: LIE ON does not mean or suggest enjoyment; and one lies "in" a hammock and "on" a bed]   
Fop's tie   ASCOT [kind of insulting to a man who wears one, wouldn't you think?]   
I don't believe I've ever seen SCALAWAG or heard it pronounced with a middle schwa;  I seem to remember Twain spelled it "scallywag" and pronounced with a short i.  Anyway, I miss the word which seems to have passed its sell-by date.   
RATING:  ;D ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 10:14:22 AM by magus »


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