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Author Topic: Sat., 11/7 Ed Sessa  (Read 5698 times)


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Sat., 11/7 Ed Sessa
« on: November 07, 2015, 09:11:44 AM »
THEME:   none, but four triples
Two after love?   THIRTY [as in "Love - thirty" in tennis]   
Like music to one's ears?   ON KEY [not to me, though, since being on key is not enough to be "music to my ears"]   
Strips at a party?   STREAMERS   
Memorable Ford   GERALD [after I went through cars, I came to the most forgettable President of my time.]   
Fruit served with a cracker?  NUT [nuts are fruits and there are nutcrackers --- I thought, for some mysterious reason, fruit = gay; cracker = Caucasian]   
Window-adjusting tool   SCROLL BAR [it would have to be "Windows adjusting tool" as Window is not the name of the product]      
TORTA is Italian only and not used enough in English to qualify for inclusion, but I surely would like one.   
ABUBBLE is not a real word though it could be --- maybe if we were talking about Lawrence Welk --- but even then...   
RAP ARTIST is an oxymoron (emphasis on moron).   
AVIATRIX is a perfectly descriptive word for Anne Morrow Lindbergh; too bad the word has been banned.  Last year I read that at the Oscars there was a category called "Female actors."  Guess it's as au courant as RAP ARTIST.   
SKORT is a combination skirt and shorts my sister wore in the summer of 1957.  Don't know if they're still around since skirts have largely been replaced by jeans, which I just recently learned to stop calling dungarees. :-[   (Good luck finding a pair of "grandpa jeans" that actually reach your waist. >:(   Sorry, I'm just a crotch-ity old man.)
RATING: ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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Re: Sat., 11/7 Ed Sessa
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2015, 01:23:47 PM »
Eddie Fisher had many big hits in the early 1950s, including Any Time, I'm Walking Behind You, Oh My Pa-Pa and I Need You Now. Then came Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Rock Around The Clock and the nation's teenagers wanted to hear rock'n'roll, not Eddie Fisher. In an effort to appeal to younger listeners, Fisher recorded Dungaree Doll in 1955. Here it is on good ol' YouTube. I dedicate this song to Mister magus and his sister:


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