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Author Topic: Thu., 12/10, Jerome Gunderson  (Read 5459 times)


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Thu., 12/10, Jerome Gunderson
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:12:24 AM »
THEME:   covert waste of time, unless you figure out that SM is placed before a phrase
Airline seating for Mensa members?   SMART CLASS [never met anyone who admitted being in the club]
Trunk full of organs?   TORSO   
Watched for the evening, say   BABYSAT [I though TV]   
Antihero?   GOAT [heroes v. goats --- but I believe there should be a hyphen between anti and hero precisely because there could be confusion]   
Chopped side   SLAW [kind of elliptical: side = side dish; SLAW = cole slaw --- I suppose I dislike "side" without the order because ordering a "side of bacon" seems too much for one meal, and think of the restaurants' storage problem]   
Crossing GOLEM (Jewish folklore) with MASALA (Tandori) at the L is unsporting.   
Hee-Haw humor, but just a touch?  SMEAR OF CORN [what's a smear of corn?]   
RATING:    ;D (covert themes are annoying)
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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