Solving => Today's Puzzles => Topic started by: magus on May 23, 2015, 10:55:35 AM

Title: Sat., 5/23 Croce & Vratsanos
Post by: magus on May 23, 2015, 10:55:35 AM
THEME:   none, but two fifteeners
Over the limit on the rd.   DUI [alcohol, not speed]   
Liquidated?   MELTED [wasn't this in The Wizard of Oz?]   
Novel ending   ETTE [maybe not so novel but good nonetheless]
Short prayer?   MANTIS [that's "pray-er" so a praying mantis prays, in a way]   
Not a good way to run   AGROUND ["run aground" is a sailing horror about which I have direct experience!]   
Time keeper?   FOB [it keeps the watch from falling]   
Buff   FIEND [Hardly.  The clue means devotee; a FIEND is maniacal.  They are far apart]   
Right, in a way   AVENGE [only if one thinks that to take revenge is the right thing to do]   
Ejection interjection   SCRAM [but it's a command, not an interjection]   
"Building a healthier world" means the world and therefore its inhabitants are healthier.  The word "healthful" seems today to be ignored and so we get slogans like "… it's a healthy food" or "heathy choice."  But, I remember when "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should."  As Bob Dylan wrote, "I used to care, but things have changed."  [great song "Things Have Changed" and contrasts well with his earlier "Times, They Are A Changin'"]   
I don't mind being beaten, which I was today, but to lose to the French "___-la-loi" is hard to take [but to be honest, I couldn't get TOROID either]   
RATING:    ;D ;D
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   
Title: Re: Sat., 5/23 Croce & Vratsanos
Post by: Thomps2525 on May 24, 2015, 05:03:36 PM
I, too, deplore the use of "healthy" as a synonym for "healthful." I also detest the use of "nauseous" as a synonym for "nauseated." When someone tells me he feels nauseous, I usually respond, "Really? You make other people sick?"

And why do "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing?
Title: Re: Sat., 5/23 Croce & Vratsanos
Post by: magus on May 25, 2015, 09:38:16 AM
Because we have no French Academie to keep our language "pure."