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Author Topic: looking for feedback, possible partnership on new iPhone/Android game  (Read 6151 times)


  • Guest
Hi all, I hope this post is appropriate for this forum. Let me know if not.

I have recently released a game for iPhone and Android called Quote Unquote. It's a free download with extra puzzle packs available for purchase. Info here: (click the "Watch the demo!" button for a quick look at how the game works).

It's not a traditional crossword format, but it uses crossword-style clues. I actually got some advice from this forum when constructing the three puzzle packs that are currently in there (80 total puzzles).

My requests are:

(1) If you have any feedback on the game, I'd be very interested to hear it.

(2) If you think you may be interested in working on puzzles for the game, in exchange for a share of the revenue made on those puzzles, let me know. (The puzzles are sold in "packs" of 30 puzzles each.)

(3) I am looking for partnership / cross-promotion opportunities with other puzzle portals. For instance, I'd be interested in doing a "link exchange" (links on your website to the game in exchange for promotion/link to your website in the game). Please let me know if you know of possibilities for this.

Either reply here, or you can email me at


Tiny Bite Games


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