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Author Topic: Sun., 8/18 Amy Johnson  (Read 5009 times)


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Sun., 8/18 Amy Johnson
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:14:12 AM »
THEME:   last words of phrases are popular newspaper names
I liked all the theme entries especially:    
Newspaper for convicts?   CRIMINAL-RECORD   
Newspapers for hams?   RADIO-DISPATCH
Newspaper for wedding planners?   HITCHING-POST   
Scoot   HIE [liked the contrast between old and new]   
Order to a boxer   SICEM [but it would be a sin to teach a sweet-natured breed to attack]   
Come out of one's shell   HATCH   
Tyke   TOT [tot connotes a little child; tyke connotes a bigger child]   
Eccentric   NUT-CASE [eccentric connotes a person with odd habits while a nut case suggests one whose grasp of reality is wanting]   
OSA and PNEU are foreign words not used in English.  The former is a place name; the latter an abbrev.   
ESTO is just plain Spanish.   
RATING: ;D ;D ;D   
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun   


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