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Does "midnight sky" mean anything?


Hi all! I'm working on a puzzle, and I'd like to use the theme answer MIDNIGHT SKY. I'm trying to figure out whether "midnight sky" just means "the sky at midnight" or whether it has a more nuanced meaning like "the nighttime sky when it's the darkest or most mysterious" or even just "the sky in the middle of the night."



I don't think it's an "in the language" phrase. There are a couple of songs with that title, maybe a book or movie, and a perhaps on some color charts. Just depends on the theme and venue whether it would work. It's totally inferable and understandable. But if your other themers are "in the language" phrases or real things, it might be a misfit.

Thanks for response Mark! I'm still on the fence about including it, but good to get another opinion.


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