I guess it's a moot point. I tried to get an Angel membership at Xwordinfo.com so I could download the wordlist and could not get that to work either. I have a collection of theme ideas but have learned that I can't make a good-enough grid fill using online dictionaries and OneLook alone. A guy(I don't know him in-person) has persistently sabotaged my computer use usually for no comprehensible personal gain on his part. So maybe that's happening here. There's an alternative payment strategy available at Xwordinfo that requires joining PayPal but it requires documenting a mobile phone, which I gave up having an account on. The phone was persistently hacked into, the calls were monitored, and the phone was also used as a tracking device. Since I don't understand why this person sabotages so much of what I do, I keep thinking he'll stop. But he hasn't.