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Author Topic: LAT Tue. 2/2 Bruce Venzke  (Read 5733 times)


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LAT Tue. 2/2 Bruce Venzke
« on: February 02, 2010, 09:24:44 AM »
Square fare?    MEAL [as in "a square meal" or "three squares"]
Place for a dip on the road    HOTELPOOL [I thought pothole, etc. because I didn't notice "on"]
Practice on canvas   SPAR [not painting ---boxing rings have canvas flooring]

Aside from the ROOM theme, there are 8 musical references:
1. ESO Beso (pop song)
2. STING (from the musical group)
3. AMP (Roadie equipment)
4. LARAS Theme
5. ONESTEP (basic dance)
7. GTO (from the '60's hit song [Beach Boys? Jan & Dean?])
8. SAM (Casablanca pianist)

And, Bruce could have had 9 if he had used "Gosh OHGEE why do you refuse..." from the oldtime song "Gimme a Little Kiss."  Probably too old; hence, too hard.


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