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Author Topic: LAT Sun. 5/20 Nediger & Kravis  (Read 4894 times)


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LAT Sun. 5/20 Nediger & Kravis
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:43:16 AM »
Great Title: Insertable [“insert a BLE”]

Good Ones:
Nice girls?   ELLES [Idda thought filles, but “females” works]
Short order?   BLT
Theme: intrusive BLE
Telescope protector?   HUBBLECAP
One tending a brush fire?   BRAMBLESTOKER [why he’d be stoking a brush fire is puzzling]
Doesn’t speak clearly?   MUMBLESTHEWORD

By the Way:
All 26 letters were used.

“Twelfth Night” sir   TOBY [I’d go with “Twelfth Night Belch”]

Criticize   RAP [Wow, haven’t heard that in ages; now we hear pan.  We also don't hear "I don't give a rap."]

Who knew?:
SISQO performed “Thong Song” --- or that there was a “Thong Song” --- or there was a SISQO.

RATING:   ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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