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Author Topic: LAT Thu. 8/9 Ed Sessa  (Read 4760 times)


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LAT Thu. 8/9 Ed Sessa
« on: August 09, 2012, 08:44:00 AM »
Possible Title: It’s All About Money!

Theme: names of coins no longer minted and which add up to a dollar

Good Ones:
What the {theme} come to   CHANGEFORABUCK
Get a move on?   RELOCATE

By the Way:
I enjoyed the wide variety of sources for what are rather challenging entries, e.g., Uranus’ orbit; Alice B. TOKLAS; ALVIN the chipmunk; Joan Sutherland ARIA; Tony LEMA; REGIS Philbin; Jerome KERN; etc.

Who knew?:
Gabrielle REECE is a volleyball star --- or that there were volleyball stars [only kidding; but the term ”star” gets me.  Is someone known only among the cognoscenti a star, or does a star have to have a more “universal” cast, like a celestial sun?  In other words, is a top curler also a star --- like Derek Jeter?]

Some Nits to Pick:
Bingo relative   BEANO [they’re the same; I’d go with the pills]

Recess near an altar   APSE [the alter is in the recess]

RATING:  ;D ;D ;D Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun


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