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Author Topic: LAT Thu. 12/17 Samuel A. Donaldson  (Read 5382 times)


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LAT Thu. 12/17 Samuel A. Donaldson
« on: December 17, 2009, 09:33:51 AM »
1973 court name   ROE [I was thinking tennis player Cox]

Hot season for a Parisian    ETE

What if, instead of the ubiquitous ETE meaning summer in French, we clued it "Gam end"?  (Science clues are usually under represented anyway.  Or "d'ete" which means a twill fabric in English.  Or "make f festive [fete]."  Or "give p a name [Pete].")

Given the theme of presidential cabinet secretaries, not to mention Roe v. Wade, I think Samuel A. Donaldson might be Sam Donaldson.  I thought the same about five months ago when the LAT published another Donaldson offering. 


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