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Author Topic: LAT Mon. 6/29 Samantha Wine's Dirty Puzzle  (Read 6878 times)


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LAT Mon. 6/29 Samantha Wine's Dirty Puzzle
« on: June 29, 2009, 11:12:55 AM »
Dust, earth, and mud provide the theme for this opus, but, alas, it has a covert theme.  It didn't have to be so; a bath would have cleaned it up.  And 1 Across happens to be BATH.  Why not link it to the theme?  ???

I am glad the editors allowed THEFBI and INNYC.  Such entries were verboten when I constructed Xwords B.C. (before computers).

It was interesting to see two meanings of keyboard in one puzzle [type and play piano].  Would a computer gamer be a "Keyboard player" and do PIANISTS "Work at a keyboard"?

I liked "Frosty's button, e.g." for NOSE.


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