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Author Topic: Sun., 7/7 Gail Grabowski  (Read 5283 times)


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Sun., 7/7 Gail Grabowski
« on: July 07, 2013, 09:23:57 AM »
THEME:   intrusive TY /tee/         
GOOD ONES:             
Flickering bulb?   SPOTTY-LIGHT            
Humongous harbor wall?   JUMBO-JETTY [humongous may have been a California girl expression, and I like it!]            
Apple products   MACS [we must first think computers when offered an apple]            
Hip dance?   HULA [cool]            
Mark's successor   EURO [thought it was some panelist I never heard of on an "amateur"  show I never saw]            
Saxon leader?   ANGLO            
Mower handle?   DEERE [John Deere is the name, or "handle"]            
Three-part figs.   SSNS [I was thinking geometry]            
Hood's missile   ARROW [that's Robin to his merry men]            
Act the wrong way?   EMOTE            
Dynamite guy?   NOBLE [he invented it]            
Tring to lose, after "on"   A-DIET [Sunday morning quarterbacking: "What you get on to lose"]            
Start over   REDO [okay, but redo suggests the whole job; start over suggests just the initial go]            
Half of sei   TRE [Sei is too exotic, but not tre, as in cards]            
RATING: ;D ;D ;D            
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun            


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