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CrossFire vs. Crossword Compiler

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I have CrossFire but I've heard some good things about Crossword Compiler too. I'd be interested in learning the things that CC can do that CF can't.


I am a Crossword Compiler user, but I  have not used CrossFire, so I can't really specify the features of CC that are not available in CrossFire. You might get more meaningful responses from folks in the Facebook group Cruciverb (not related to this web site) as it has quite a few more followers. I would point out that CrossFire is presently selling version 1.3.2 while my version of Crossword Compiler is 11.1 and I believe there is a more recent version now available.

David Alfred Bywaters:
I use Crossfire.  I tried Crossword Compiler once, a few years ago.  It does one thing Crossfire doesn't do--it creates (or tries to create) a grid for you if you enter your grid constraints and theme answers.  Maybe this is useful for new constructors, since designing a grid is the least intuitive part of crossword-making; it's not at all useful if you're in the habit of designing a grid to fit the demands of your particular theme set.

Otherwise, the main thing Crossword Compiler does that Crossfire doesn't do is take your money year after year.  Crossfire costs $50-you pay it, and that's that.  Crossword Compiler costs 2, or 6, or 25 dollars a month, forever.  And if you have a Mac, as I do, you have also to pay for an emulator to run the thing (Parallels costs $99/year), and for Windows itself (Windows 11 is $139). 

If there are other advantages to Crossword Compiler that justify such an outlay, I too would be interested in hearing about them.

David Alfred Bywaters

Really appreciate the responses. Thanks!


--- Quote from: David Alfred Bywaters on April 10, 2024, 12:27:47 PM ---Otherwise, the main thing Crossword Compiler does that Crossfire doesn't do is take your money year after year.  Crossfire costs $50-you pay it, and that's that.

--- End quote ---

I do feel the need to correct this.  I have a copy of Crossword Compiler I paid a set fee for ($59) about two years ago and have not paid a single dime to them since and still can use the software without issue.  I only got updates to the software for a year, for which I would have had to pay the subscription you reference if I would have wanted updates past that year.   I just checked, and the option I took is still available on their site.  I can understand the animus, in that they push the subscription option primarily.  But it is not accurate that you have to subscribe to purchase the software from them.


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